Expanding the Legacy

Book Publishing

Excerpts from Corona Journal by Wim Romeijn

  • Epilogue
    Wednesday, May 8, 2024 – The corona (covid) virus arrived unexpectedly out of left field and held the world in its grip for well over a year. Government and business were caught by surprise –…
  • Prologue
    Friday, May 1, 2024 – How to stand out in a crowd? Consider idiosyncrasy, a peculiar behaviour or attitude that marks the slightly unusual personality of the odd one out. This need not involve appeals…
  • Chapter 68: Tales of Shopkeepers, Trolley Cops, and Bookshops
    Thursday, October 29, 2020 – Shopkeepers in Wales have reported a disconcerting increase in the number of scarcely clad patrons visiting their premises, often sporting nothing more than underpants and a facemask. The quasi-streakers roaming…
  • Chapter 51: Stage Set for EU Clash
    Monday, May 25, 2020 – The Hague is expected to deploy the biggest gun available to EU member states and roll out its veto to derail a Franco-German plan that introduces eurobonds under a different…
  • Chapter 22: Raining on China’s Parade
    Tuesday, April 14, 2020 – Sensing a unique opportunity to take a shortcut to the global top spot, China is putting in a sustained effort to turn tragedy into triumph and expand its standing and…
  • Chapter 9: Pandemic Puts Eurobonds Back on the Table
    Thursday, March 26, 2020 – The leaders of nine Eurozone countries on Wednesday refloated the previously discarded idea of issuing Eurobonds, a collective debt instrument backed by the combined securities of participating countries, as a…
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