Expanding the Legacy

About CFI Press

Who We Are

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CFI Press is the successor to the now defunct CFI.co quarterly magazine which ceased operations just before Christmas 2023. The publication fell victim to adverse market conditions. Its loss shut down a platform of innovative and stylish writing on a wide range of topics, from business and economy to global power structures and the arts.

CFI Press seeks to preserve – and expand on – the vast archive containing hundreds of articles, invariably well-researched, often quirky, and unfailingly opportune, that was built during the journal’s all-too-brief heyday.

Over the coming weeks and months, CFI Press will rework and repost the articles of the quarterly’s valuable archive. The website will also publish weekly essays from leading contributors to offer orphaned readers of CFI.co the opportunity to enjoy the particular take on major events the magazine was known and celebrated for.

Reflecting its love of literature, CFI Press set up the How to Build a Library site which documents the assembly of a vast home library by former CFI managing editor Wim Romeijn. Included are the many challenges, terrific finds, and adventures of the endeavour as well as detailed descriptions and impressions of the bookshops he regularly visits around the world.

CFI Press is a subsidiary of Van Heesch Books, a publisher in The Netherlands that also maintains and operates VH Classic, an online radio station broadcasting a mix of classical music and jazz. VH Classic is responsible for the production of several CFI Press podcasts.

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